International Conference: Freedom of movement in West Africa and from the sub-region to Europe

What remains of the right to leave any country including one’s own after externalization policies?

ASGI, in the framework of the Oruka Project, is organising on 29 September 2022 an international conference entitledFreedom of Movement in West Africa and from the Subregion to Europe: What remains of the right to leave any country, including one’s own, after externalisation policies?“.

Possibility to attend the event online or in person, in Rome (Via Napoli, 36). 
Translation services in English, French and Italian will be available.

Registration via this form, deadline 26 September 2022.

The aim of the conference is to deepen, thanks to the contribution of African and European organisations and academics, the theme of mobility between Africa and Europe and within the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) free movement area. In particular, the conference will analyse the limits to freedom of movement, their legitimacy and the legal instruments to counter them.

The day is organised in two panels during which, after a theoretical introduction, a presentation of strategic litigation perspectives will be presented in order to deal with the deprivation of the right to freedom of movement and the right to asylum operated through externalisation policies.

The themes of so-called voluntary repatriations from transit countries, the role of IOM in the development of border control tools in West Africa, and pushbacks by proxy operated in the central Mediterranean will be explored.
Panels will be alternated with moments of discussion among the participants, with the aim of broadening common reflection and promoting the elaboration of transversal and transnational litigation and advocacy strategies.