The event, held in Rome on 5 December 2019, was organised by ASGI in cooperation with the Clinica Legale International Protection of Human Rights.
The aim of the meeting was to deepen the activities of IOM in Africa, analyzing the legal nature of this organization, its role and its involvement in outsourcing processes, voluntary return procedures from transit countries as migration management tools. We report below the interventions.
Below is reported the complete recording of the live streaming, which can also be viewed on ASGI’s YouTube channel.
Minutes of each interventions are specified, together with downloadable materials.
Welcome and Introduction
Alice Riccardi, Cristina Laura Cecchini, Diletta Agresta
An Overview of IOM’s Role in the Externalization of Borders
Mirko Sossai, University of Roma Tre
Avoiding Human Rights Violations by IOs: Lessons from Beyond the Migration Control Context
Cathryn Costello, University of Oxford
The Involvement of IOs in the Management of Detention Camps in Libya: Any Room for their International Responsibility?
Andrea Spagnolo, University of Turin
EU/IOM Cooperation in Migration Policies in Practice
Jean-Pierre Gauci, British Institute of International and Comparative Law
The Artifice of Voluntary Returns and the IOM
Pascaline Chappart, Institut de Recherche pour le DĂ©veloppement, URMIS Paris
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